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Religious Discrimination

What Is Religious Discrimination?

Sometimes religious discrimination is tied to simple hate or hostility against people of a particular religion and involves employers simply treating employees differently because of their religion.

Other times, religious discrimination occurs when supervisors and employers have a problem with employees whose religious beliefs are visibly obvious.

For example, some employers may take issue with Orthodox Jewish men wearing yarmulkes, Sikh men wearing turbans and beards or Muslim women wearing burkas.

Yet other times, religious discrimination involves employers’ failure or refusal to accommodate employees’ religious beliefs.

Regardless of how it occurs, it is illegal for employers to treat employees differently because of their religion. That means that it is unlawful religious discrimination to treat people differently either because they are of a particular religion or because of how they dress, groom themselves, or the way that that they practice their religion. It is also unlawful religious discrimination if employers refuse to accommodate employees’ religious beliefs (unless doing so would impose an undue hardship).

Lastly, it is also unlawful religious discrimination for employers to treat employees differently because of customer or client preferences to do business with people of a certain religion (or race, gender or any other legally protected characteristic).

Are You Experiencing Muslim Discrimination, Jewish Discrimination (Anti-Semitism) or Catholic Discrimination?

Sometimes religious discrimination is motivated by employer/supervisor irritation at an employee’s religious beliefs or practices, such as a Jewish employee asking to leave before sundown, a Muslim employee asking for breaks to pray six times a day, or a Catholic health care employee refusing to be involved in terminating pregnancies.

All this being said, there are still blatant cases of supervisors or employers discriminating against an employee simply because that employee practices a particular religion.

Contact Us to Work With a Knowledgeable Religion Discrimination Lawyer

If you are being or have been discriminated against because of your religious beliefs, call the New Jersey religion discrimination attorneys at Lenzo & Reis, LLC, in Morristown at (973) 845-9922. If you prefer, you may reach us online. Our religious discrimination attorneys handle discrimination matters throughout New Jersey.

Client Reviews

I had an outstanding experience working with Chris Lenzo. He successfully represented me in a case against a previous employer. Chris is professional, knowledgeable, responsive, and highly experienced. I would strongly recommend him to anyone facing wrongful termination or retaliation due to medical...


At what was supposed to be the highest point in my career suddenly became the most harassing and lowest point of my career and I was passed over for a promotion. Not because the other person was more qualified than I was, but because I followed the law and did the right thing and the people I worked...


Chris Lenzo did an outstanding job in my employment discrimination case. He responded to my questions in a timely fashion, provided clear communication through each step of the process, and handled my case in an honest and straight forward manner. Chris’s expertise in employment law along with his...


I have worked with Ms. Reis and her firm for the past three years. During the consultation process, you will immediately experience her compassion as she offers suggestions and guides you through the difficult situation you are dealing with. Her attention to detail, timely follow up and candid...


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